Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fashion and Function Meet With Bowling Shoes

Fashion and Function Meet With Bowling Shoes


If you have ever visited a bowling alley, you have inevitably rented rainbow colored house bowling shoes. Those fashionable shoes worn by countless other bowlers carry more than just their own style and the butt of many jokes; they carry a very meaningful purpose.

In the game of bowling, special shoes are required to be worn on the lane for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, they create less wear on the lane. Allowing bowlers to wear any shoes worn in daily life is only asking for scuffs and scratches on the wooden bowling lane as bowlers step up to the lane and back. Secondly, in a bowler's stride, the final approach to the lane at the time of delivery requires a short slide along the approach planks. Sneakers are made for traction and do not offer the slide that bowling shoes allow. The slide is very important in a smooth and controlled delivery of the bowling ball towards the pins. For these reasons, specialized shoes are mandated to enjoy the game of bowling.

For the occasional bowler, every bowling alley carries a full selection in most every shoe size to accommodate each bowler's needs. After simply advising the attendant of your regular shoe size, you will be promptly handed a sanitized pair of house bowling shoes. These have become infamous for their many colors and incredibly unique appearance. There is, however, something to be said for a shoe that is already broken in. The leather wraps more comfortably around the foot, and the soles offer a smooth slide on the approach.

For the more avid bowler, purchasing a personal pair of bowling shoes is the more prevalent option. This lets the bowler select the most comfortable shoe from the endless selection on the market. Similar to purchasing a pair of sneakers, one can try on several pairs of shoes in a myriad of styles.

Bowling shoes are available in two different types: athletic and performance. Athletic shoes are usually quite similar to sneakers in their design. These are crafted with the sliding sole on both shoes. Performance shoes are designed to increase the bowler's game play. These shoes are crafted with only one sliding sole on the lead foot, or foot opposite the bowler's delivery hand. The other sole is manufactured with a sole intended for more traction. Performance shoes are sought after mostly by highly experienced bowlers.

Bowling shoes are infamous for their colorful and distinctive appearance common of rental shoes. However, there is more to this necessary piece of equipment in the sport of bowling. They come in as many styles as regular daily wear shoes, and as many sizes, in order to properly fit your foot the same as the ordinary shoe. More importantly, they allow the bowler to maintain their balance in their approach and delivery, as well as allowing for a smooth slide at the end of their approach to the lane. For this reason, bowling shoes play a relatively silent but very significant role in this sport.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

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